Supplying Accurate Nuclear Data for energy and non-energy Applications (SANDA)
Coordinateor for Sofia Uni: S.Lalkovski
Funding Agency: European Commission
Period: Sept.2019-Sept.2023
is an H2020-Euroatom project designated to provide accurate data
for energy applications and other non-energy needs through detector
development, facilities set ups, targets preparations, key experiments
and data evaluations. The four-year project had started effectively
on 01.09.2019 and will be executed by a concortium of 35 parties. Data
libraries, produced within the project, will be dissiminated so they
can be used by safety authorities, research institutions, the nuclear
energy industry, health organizations, other non-energy applications and
the EU society at large.
The Sofia Data Centre is one of the SANDA partners. Our responsibility
is to perform ENSDF nuclear data evaluations for medical and energy
applications, and for the needs of nuclear data community